isto serve de 'retrato' da auto-avaliação das escolas que se faz por cá [de um modo geral] para 'confirmar' [conferir] aquilo que a ige faz com a avaliação externa... nem mais nem menos...! claro que, com os exames [excluindo] a frequência, não acredito [por enquanto] que tal seja possível, por cá...

"A new investigative report details a second major standardized test cheating scandal in a Georgia school system, implicating 49 educators, including 11 principals. A key reason for the “disgraceful” cheating, investigators said, was pressure to meet No Child Left Behind requirements.

The probe (see here and here) by the Georgia governor’s Special Investigators team into cheating in the Dougherty County School System concluded that “hundreds of school children were harmed by extensive cheating"

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