escola a 'tempo inteiro'... que nome e que problemas...! exemplo do que se passa pelos 'states'...

"I can honestly say that it is a task to teach students more math and English between 4 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. My students don't want to be there, like the rest of the school. At 4 p.m., they've "check-out." Our students don't want to learn out of HSPA practice books; they don't have any love for learning using that method -- although it is the only "weapon" given to us by our administration. Truth be told, they're probably not being taught using the best instructional methods during the regular school day. I am a history teacher, so I have the luxury of infusing history, current events, and debating to get my kids interested in English and math, but I will admit, some days are better than others."


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